Some of our Spring/Summer 2022 Volunteers
Volunteer opportunities and workshare membership
The farm is a fantastic place to get outdoors, connect with the earth, and learn about best practices and growing methods. We love and appreciate our volunteer community and couldn’t do all that we do without them. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the form below and let us know if there are any particular areas of interest you have. During the season (and sometimes off-season as well), we have a regular group of folks that come to help. This season we have been fortunate to have regular volunteers on Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. We'd love for you to join us. But, if for some reason those times don't work, don't be shy! Tell us what you're interested in and what works for you! Please note that volunteers generally need to be 15 or older but there will be occasional exceptions for certain projects, etc. We also generally ask that volunteers working in the garden commit to a regular schedule.
In addition, if you can commit to helping on a regular basis and are a vegetable eater/lover yourself, why not consider becoming a CSA Workshare member! Our Work Share program is an opportunity for those who are interested in volunteering on the farm to receive a CSA share at a discounted rate. Work Share members would primarily assist with all harvesting and post-harvest tasks related to preparing for our CSA and/or farmers markets but may also participate in other tasks when necessary. Members would be expected to volunteer for a 3-hour block 1 time/week for the duration of the CSA. It works best for us if volunteers can commit to the same time on a weekly basis. Typically morning (8am-11am) any day from Monday-Saturday, or Wednesday evening (4pm-7pm) work best for the required tasks. There is a diverse range of tasks, and we are happy to include anyone who is interested in learning more about gardening and receiving fresh veggies! In exchange for your commitment, we are offering a 50% discount on our CSA program. This reduces the cost of the CSA to $16.50/week instead of the current rate of $33/week. Arrangements could be made for an exchange for a full share. There are also opportunities for Work Share members to receive larger amounts of surplus or “seconds” produce. Email us at if you are interested in our CSA Work Share! We’d love for you to join our team!
More of our wonderful Spring/Summer 2022 Volunteers