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Last Spring Plant Sale of the Season!

  • Martin's Garden at Coleman Farms 410 Coleman Road Roswell, GA, 30075 United States (map)

Last Spring Plant Sale of the Season
Saturday, April 21st

A big thank you to everyone that came out last Saturday! We had a great turnout but, if you missed it, don't despair!  We will be open again this Saturday for our last plant sale of the season. We have updated our plant list below and indicated any of those for which we have limited quantities.  We hope to see you there and more details are below!

Our farmer, Maxwell Davenport, as well as our awesome volunteers have been starting seeds and nursing beautiful plants since early February. Max makes his own potting mix from scratch using 100% organic materials and fertilizers. In addition, the plants have been inoculated with beneficial fungi and sprayed weekly with a biologically active compost tea. All this effort is designed to provide you with the best plant possible for your gardens. 

Plants are $4 each for small pots and $7 each for half gallon pots with a .25 cent/ plant discount if you buy 15 or more. We will also have OMRI listed compost for sale. Bring your own 5-gallon buckets if you'd like, but we will have some for sale if you need.

So come on down to the garden April 21st. Visit the goats, sheep, and chickens, see how the garden is progressing and grab all the veggies your heart and stomach desires!


Plant Sale List


Cherry Tomatoes

Sungold (CT-S) Hybrid. Produces medium sized, bright orange fruit. Known to be one of the sweetest tomatoes. Great for kids for its candy-like flavor. Very productive. Max’s favorite.

Black Cherry (CT-BC) Open-pollinated. Slow to ripen first fruits, but when they get going will be very productive and have long harvest period. Heirloom flavor profile. Large Fruits ripen deep red with a dark underbelly.

Sunrise Bumblebee (CT-SB) Limited Quantities Available Open-pollinated artisan. Tangy and sweet flavor. Fruits ripen bright orange with red marbling throughout. A beautiful addition to cherry tomato mixes.

Purple Bumblebee(CT-PB) Open-pollinated artisan. Tangy and sweet flavor. Fruits ripen slightly purple with green streaks throughout. Provides color contrast in cherry tomato mixes.

Green Tiger (CT-GT) Open pollinated. Elongated, oval-shaped fruit that remains green when ripe and develops yellow streaks. Known for its acidic flavor profile typical of green ripening fruits. Excellent addition to cherry tomato mixes.

Slicer & Paste Tomatoes


Park’s Beefy Boy (SPT-PBB) Hybrid, red beefsteak. Large fruits can weigh up to 16oz. Excellent combination of meaty flavor and disease resistance. Long production period. Perfect for tomato sandwiches.


Chef’s Choice Orange (SPT-CCO) Orange, hybrid beefsteak. Early ripening and high yielding. Low acidity. 2013 AAS award winner. High resistance to tobacco mosaic virus.

Park’s Whopper (SPT- PW) Hybrid, red slicer. Produces uniform and perfectly round fruits. Slices fit perfectly on hamburger buns. Known for its season-long harvest period. Max recommends this variety to any beginning farmer.

Martha Washington (SPT-MW) Limited Quantities Available Hybrid tomato with heirloom flavor. Grows under varied weather conditions. Fruits ripen with a pink hue. “Soft, melting texture.” Max fell in love with this tomato last year after adding wedges to black bean quesadillas. Breathtaking.

Brandywine (SPT-B) Heirloom. Known to be one of the best tasting heirlooms available. Fruits ripen bright red and skin remains smooth. Fruits often weigh over 16oz. 

San Marzano (SPT-SM) Semi-determinate paste tomato. Heirloom. Regarded as the best sauce tomato on the planet. Plants set fruit and ripen at relatively the same time. Fruits produce very small seeds pockets and thick flesh. Perfect for sauce, salsa, roasts, etc.

Paisano (SPT-P) Hybrid, more productive San Marzano. Thick-walled, 4-5 oz. fruits in the true San Marzano shape. Good flavor and high solids for sauce or canning. Concentrated sets of paste tomatoes midseason. Most of the bright red fruits are blunt tipped, so they don't crush during harvesting. Medium determinate plant.

Sweet Peppers

Carmen (SP-C) Limited Quantities Available Hybrid version of Corno Di Toro (bullhorn). Very productive. Large, upright plants. Fruits have thick flesh, ripen fire engine red, are very sweet, and average 6” long. Max’s favorite sweet pepper.

Escamillo (SP-E) Bright yellow version of Carmen. Very striking when the two are mixed into salads.

Islander (SP-I) Hybrid bell pepper. Very productive. Fruits start out bright purple and thin fleshed and ripen yellow to red with thicker flesh. This variety is an excellent stuffing pepper when purple because of its reduced cooking time and mild flavor.

Lipstick (SP-L) Limited Quantities Available Open pollinated. Sweet, juicy, and thick-fleshed. Heart-shaped fruits ripen bright red and average 4” long. Fantastic in salads or when roasted.

Medium & Hot Peppers

Baron (MHP-B) Limited Quantities Available Hybrid Ancho pepper. Medium heat. The classic chili Relleno pepper. Fruits remain green when ripe and have an average size of 5”x3”. Perfect pepper for stuffing with a touch of heat.

Cayenne (MHP-C) Open pollinated. Long and slim fruits ripen bright red and have more heat than a jalapeno, but less than habaneros. Peppers dry beautifully and can be ground into a powder for dishes and marinades.

Hot Paper Lantern (MHP-HPL) Limited Quantities Available  Open pollinated habanero. Ultra-productive and early maturing. Fruits are elongated, paper lantern shaped and 3”-4” long. Known to have a distinctive fruity flavor the habanero ranks among the top 20 hottest peppers in the world.

Habanero (MHP-H) Limited Quantities Available  Open pollinated habanero. Fruits ripen bright orange and get to 2” long. Known to have a distinctive fruity flavor. Key ingredient in Jamaican “jerk” spice.


Zephyr Summer Squash (C-ZSS) 
Hybrid zucchini. Very productive slender green fruits. Allow plenty of space (3-4 ft.) for this very large plant.


Genovese (B-G)
 Traditional Italian sweet basil. Great for classic pesto, bruschetta, margarita, pizza, etc. High resistance to downy mildew.

Thai Basil (B-TB) Specialty basil known for its pungent, star anise flavor. Popular basil of Thai and Vietnamese cuisine. Max’s favorite.

Lemon Basil (B-LB) Specialty basil with a distinctive citrus flavor. A fantastic addition to fish dishes, desserts, and cocktails.

Orient Express (Eggplant) Japanese style eggplant produces long, slender fruits with a thin skin. The plant grows in varied weather conditions. 

Clemson Spineless Okra (FH-CSO) Productive okra variety known to stay tender in larger pod sizes.

Marketmore Cucumber (C-MC) Industry standard cucumber. Plants are very disease resistant in well-aerated gardens. Productive.

Maxpack Cucumber (C-MC) Perfect pickling cucumber. Fruits have small seed cavity which is ideal for pickling.

Earlier Event: April 14
Spring Plant Sale
Later Event: June 18
Fun with Food (Week 1)